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Nhial Deng

Nhial Deng, a 24-year-old refugee from South Sudan, is a writer, youth advocate, and community activist. He spent 11 years in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, now pursuing a Global Affairs and Digital Communications degree in Canada. Nhial initiates projects like the Kakuma Book Drive, aiming to mobilize resources for education, mentorship, and peace building in Kakuma.

Halima Bahman

Halima is an addictions counsellor and volunteer with the Hazara Women's Organization, a group she co-founded to support Afghan and Hazara women. Her experience of war in Afghanistan and immigration motivated her to work towards social justice, community mental health, and female empowerment. 

CEO & Founder of ABRAR Trauma and Mental Health Services & Enterpuner

Raziya Mahmut

My name is Raziya and I come from East Turkistan, where Uyghurs live. It is currently occupied by China and has been renamed “Xinjiang” (meaning “new frontier” or “new territory”). From a very young age, I experienced discrimination and inequality between Uyghurs and the Chinese, which shaped my understanding of the world and motivated me to seek a better life outside my country.

Jamaluddin Aram iis a documentary filmmaker, producer, and short story writer from Kabul, Afghanistan. He is the author of Nothing Good Happens in Wazirabad on Wednesday and the associate producer of the Academy Award-nominated film Buzkashi Boys. He lives in Toronto.

Hanen Nanaa is an award winning social entrepreneur. She is the founder of BAM Collective and a regional advisor at the Minister’s regional office of Canada. She is a war survivor and a refugee from Syria


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Aline Nizigama is the CEO of the YWCA, one of Canada's leading organizations for women.  Aline grew up in Burundi (East Africa) where she was forced to flee civil war in the mid-1990s with her siblings. She has lived in 5 different countries between the African and North American continents and has called Toronto home since 2006.


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Mona has been active in private sponsorship for six years, and has been a key and early contributor to Canadian Connections and Northern Lights Canada. From 2021-2023, she was an advocate and helper for Afghan newcomers, including those housed in the airport hotels. Trained as a social service worker, she has a background in project management and IT.


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Born and raised in Pakistan, Rahat fled his country due to religious persecution and sought refuge in Thailand, where he and his family lived precariously for nearly eight years. In late 2021, he was resettled in Toronto through private sponsorship. He is now working as a web designer, with clients that include Canadian Connections


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Shams is a writer and editor for The Archipelago. He is a member of the Writers-in-Exile group and works as a Writer-in-Residence at George Brown College and a writer for Humans in Flight.


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Javed is a professional photographer, videographer, documentary maker,  and a former Afghan refugee resettled in Toronto.  He  is now YouTuber, visual storyteller and photographer  of Humans in Flight.


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John is a journalist and writer of Humans in Flight magazine, as well as a journalism student and human rights activist. He volunteers at Northern Lights Canada as a consultant and an editor at The Archipelago, while  contributing to film and publishing accounts of refugees searching for a safe and durable solution.


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Marcella  has volunteered with refugee settlement since 2015. She is a founding member of Newcomer Kitchen and The Clothing Drive, two initiatives based in Toronto to support Syrian newcomers. She has been part of several community sponsorship groups, and in 2021 founded the non-profit organization Canadian Connections: Welcoming Refugees Home.


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A young leader and social activist, Sediqa believes in empowerment through education and was one of the founding teachers of Refugee Learning Center. Sediqa started Infinity and young leaders initiative Canada to promote youth leadership and lifelong learning.


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David is founder and president of Barnes Management Group, a collaborative firm that aims to amplify the potential of First Nations people. Active in private sponsorship and advocacy on behalf of refugees, he is the founder of the Community of Care initiative, which aims to promote participation in private sponsorship across Canada.



Natasha has been an advocate for refugee and migration issues since she was a teenager. She works at the intersection of technology and social impact and currently lives in West Toronto with her family.


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Yasin is a former refugee from Afghanistan who was stranded in Indonesia before being sponsored to Canada. His experience of trauma and efforts to heal himself are what initially drew the attention of the sponsors who brought him to Canada. After settling in Toronto, he moved to Whistler, BC for work.

